You have ethics regarding experimental procedures, Mary.

They don't.

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Dr. Urso said one of his neighbors in the Houston area is a hospital administrator who got rich during 2020 because of the Medicare bonuses and other incentives to call everything Covid when it wasn't, including incentives to medically murder patients with their unscientific protocols and write down Covid on the death certificate. "The love of money is the root of all evil." Jesus Christ

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Houston Methodist received millions of taxpayer funds for killing its patients with Remdesivir. They literally were hitmen for the federal government, you know, for trying to help thin out the herd of humans on the earth.

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Thank you Dr Bowden. Those final 2 major paragraphs should be repeated as often as possible.

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God bless you, Dr Bowden .. time has proven your wisdom on this issue & laid bare the corruption of our healthcare system .. I hope your critics & oppressors are exposed, tarred & feathered and seek repentance for their roles in the immense harm done

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If only the hospital administrators and our politicians shared your ethics...

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Great article. Thank you for speaking out. The erosion of medical ethics over the past 15 years has been horrendous, especially the past 5. Everything Previously widely accepted has been thrown out, including and most importantly, common sense about health and patient rights.

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Same here, Dr. Bowden. I took out similar lawsuits against Brooklyn Hospital in New York, where I worked. The backlash was swift, vile, and hateful. History will remember is as the few that stood against mass murder of citizens. Onwards and God bless.

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Dr. Bowden, I posted your substack to my circle of comrades. I will post here the copy of what I sent. Keeping all your journey to keep us healthy in my prayers and all those courageous doctors, lawyers, nurses, and all healthcare , politicians, honest fact based media and journalists !! Thank you

"Seek Wisdom and pray for the courage to act on it"

A short intro Dr. Bowden's substack listed below to help you decide if you have time or inclination to read:

I think you will find Dr. Bowden's words empowering for action and choices. Dr. Bowden is an ENT surgeon in Houston Texas. She provides a timeline of the journey of the last years. The Methodist Hospital in Houston was the first hospital in the US to mandate an experimental emergency use authorization injection Covid -19 for healthcare to maintain employment. Her writing in this substack has impeccable clarity of the facts impacting the practice of medicine and healing. The Covid -19 injection remains Experimental Use Authorization as the clinical studies are not complete.

Dr. Bowden's substack is one of the best summaries of the last couple of controlling years and the impact on medicine and health. You can read about her tenacity and courage at tremendous personal and professional sacrifice. She sought to guard the health of those in need of healing. I found her statement provided tremendous clarity of informed consent as a surgeon:

"I’ve performed thousands of surgeries, and I’ve never bounded into the operating room without discussing potential complications - to do so would be blatant malpractice. I’ve never performed an experimental surgery, lacking long-term outcomes data, but if were to do so, I would feel ethically bound to discuss the potential risks and be particularly forthright about the unknowns. And if I were going to perform an experimental operation on a healthy person in order to potentially save another person’s life, the risks of that operation would have to be exceedingly low - and the benefits exceedingly high - to uphold my oath to “First do no harm.” Finally, not once have I told a patient, “If you don’t let me do this surgery on you, you will lose your job... or be denied an education... or be discharged from the military.” (1/2) Retrieved 11/15/2023 @ https://t.me/MdBreathe/122

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Thank you for doing what you could do to better humanity. I'm posting this to all of my Virginia legislatures FB pages. All vax mandates must stop, starting with the mRna shot that they call a call a vaccine.

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Hmmm... https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2789369

I think you confuse political identity with ethics, and I’m left wondering how many of your patients died because you couldn’t distinguish between the two.

But sure... contra the available evidence on the efficacy of the vaccine in preventing death and its attendant misery, you’ve been “vindicated.”

How is your investment in ivermectin doing, “Doc”?

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THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s new music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nw-music-video-release-the-emergency

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