Mar 18Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

We are grateful for your honesty and truth telling. God is with you in this difficult journey

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Mar 18Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

Thank you for keeping up the fight Mary! Praying the court stands by the Constitution. People died because our voices were silenced.

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Mar 18Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

Dr. Bowden I count you as one of the hero’s today along with the first three Dr’s to speak out in early 2020 Dr. Borody of AU,

Dr. Cahill of Ireland and Dr. Chetty of Africa. You all fearlessly spread the word of warning that something was very very wrong, saving countless lives of those who dismissed the FEAR propaganda and were critically thinking. Observing all that was being pushed and just didn’t make any sense.

Thank you.

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Mar 18Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

Please do a go fund me if you need additional help! I am so grateful for doctors like you.

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Mar 18Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

Excellent Speech. Thank You for sharing your knowledge, your experience, your passion, and most significantly your courage.

I pray that Truth will prevail.

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Dr. Bowden,

Olympian words of power in living for the truth in the last 4 years. As I read your speech I got 1. chills (? thinking Holy Spirit connecting the people who love the truth), 2. my eyes leaked at your ability to share the human toll of your endeavor to heal with yo- ur readers and audience and 3. Laughed out loud when you referenced your dad's statement about " they stepped on the wrong hornet" - how he was a courageous inspiration to you was in that statement. I have watched your interviews whenever I would see your name and your presence reflects the power of wisdom, fortitude, and counsel. Keeping you in prayer. God bless your talent and your healing hands and healing heart.

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Excellent speech, Mary! Thank you for taking on this fight on behalf of everybody. You are making a difference!

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Bravo, Dr Bowden .. one of the most cogent statements I've read about the disastrous fall of medicine in our time .. God bless you for taking on the bastards .. you deserve our enduring gratitude & support for your unflinching courage .. we shall see if justice will prevail

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Thank you so much for courageous truth telling, regardless of the personal cost. I was one of many of your fellow Houstonian healthcare workers who refused the shot in spite of threat to lose my job and whose children were ostracized at school for being unvaccinated. You have given all of us a voice, and for that, I am so very grateful! We all support you and are praying for you to be victorious!

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The introductory paragraph embodies the age-old conflict between rationalism and empiricism. In other words: "We are in love with our beautiful theory; we don't need no stinkin' facts."

The people who managed this auto-democide in the government, media, and academia, made use of the self-righteously fearful in the general population. This last group tended to be overly credentialed and insufficiently thoughtful and independent. There is no doubt in my mind that 400 years ago, these same people would have approved the persecution of Bruno and Galileo.

Dr. Bowden is one of our heroes today. One hundred years from now she will be widely recognized as a hero among the survivors of the present disaster. The issue is why humanity never learns its lessons, despite making the same mistakes over and over.

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I've ridden with you from the start. Thank you MTB for the courage to fight and expose these crooks and fraudfeasors.

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rock on Mary Talley Bowden ...from Oregon bonus https://youtu.be/Uvn4PON9kvc?si=Qeh3nfGRVtJ9IM14 some moosic

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Excellent text. We must keep saying the truth. That’s the only way to prevent evil from winning.

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M. T. Bowden gives me hope! Buy her a months support $

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Excellent speech today by a truly courageous doctor! 🇺🇸

“It's easy to be courageous when it's the popular and fashionable thing you are advocating. Real courage is doing what's right even if it costs your friendships, reputation and even sometimes your job.” - Dr. Ahmad Malik

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

I love what your dad said about stepping on the wrong hornet! Thank you for following your north star.

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