Thank you for continuing to stand firm against the mRNA propaganda. I respected the Means initially when hearing them on Tucker but have since questioned their authenticity due to not clearly taking a position on the jab. I admire you so very much for standing strong now against the TMB and in the midst of the COVID chaos. You were a voice of truth and a trusted physician who I followed during COVID. I am praying for you.
Looking through Calley Means' posts on X (per the updated link you provided), he basically was making the same argument that many others were making, and that our country's poor metabolic health was making our citizenry much more susceptible to poor health outcomes including death from Covid. So, Covid should have really been the impetus for public health officials to "make America healthy again." But, instead, all they did was push gene based "vaccine" jabs.
Moreover when it comes to germ theory and terrain theory, we really have to think in both/and rather than either/or terms since the health of one's terrain, in large part, determines our susceptibility to pathogenic germs.
I appreciate your dedication to uncovering the truth and raising critical questions. However, I wanted to kindly clarify a point you made about Dr. Calley Means.
X (formerly Twitter) recently experienced issues with its advanced search functionality. When I performed a search of Calley Means’ posts, I found several references to COVID-19 and vaccines. For instance, he has discussed COVID policies being among the worst public policies of our lifetime, called vaccine mandates a war crime, and labeled the handling of COVID vaccines a disgrace. He has also reposted content referring to COVID-19 as a potential bioweapon, been critical of school closures, and recommended an article by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to his followers more than three years ago. (For the sake of time, I assume Casey Mean's account is similar.) Here’s a link to the search results if you’d like to verify:
I've been a part of this movement, or "war," for 14 years. Many people woke up during COVID-19 (at various times), for which we are extremely thankful, but the reality is that we have been fighting for a very long time for the change we are seeing (or hope to see) now, including for Bobby to have a meaningful role in government. Although the mainstream media may be trying to shift focus, I do not believe MAHA (or, by extension, Bobby) will ignore pharmaceutical companies or vaccines. His work with Children’s Health Defense and his lifelong commitment to vaccine safety cannot be understated. The shifts in his campaign strategy were likely the result of complex considerations and not the influence of one group or individual.
Thank you for the important work you do. Your voice is vital in this fight, and I hope this adds some clarity to the discussion.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will edit and include this. I still would like him to acknowledge that the shots are dangerous and should be pulled off the market, which thus far he has been unwilling to do.
As an aside, want to let you know that in doing some research just yesterday re. my concerns r/t Trump's recent quiet "picks" ... announced during the busy final days before Xmas when next to no one is paying attention ... that I ran across a16z. It has another name: Andreessen Horowitz ... 42 bill. in assets under management. (Am no financial wiz but how is this of any less concern than Blackrock/Vanguard, etc.?) Trump named Sriram Krishnan, a general partner at AH, as Senior White House Policy Advisor on Artificial Intelligence. He & his wife are known as the "Silicon Valley Power Couple" who "Turned Their Robust Network Into A Global Show."
First off, I appreciate you both. Please stop. Honestly, he doesn’t owe you the time of day. Do you think he’s knowledgeable enough to go on record? I don’t. We all need to find a way to come together or we’ll be forever embroiled in petty disputes and policies. Let’s work together.
Wow! I hope you meant this for Calley! All he did was avoid most of the push back from Mary and Jack and never really took a position. The fact that he won't ban High Fructrose or call for a suspense of the covid shots, shows his true colors.
In a tweet on Jul 2 2021, Calley did state "I'm all for vaccinations".
Like many others, I'm very wary of the Means' rise to prominence. They seem to me to be very slick operators, & very much invested in high-tech solutions.
I share your wariness, but I would also point out that a lot of people have changed their stance on vaccinations since 2021, including me. I can't speak for Calley Means, but I'm open to the possibility.
Yes, but it's hard to know who is genuine about that, & who may be using it as a type of political expediency. I'm sure at least some people in high positions can intuit there is a chance of a major sea change coming & want to position themselves well to take advantage.
Looking forward to that interview podcast. As I view the various writings of all of you folks in the front trenches there seems to be a lot of concern about this guy or that guy, and this trump pick or that one. Some of them good, some of them bad. I just have to say....want to know how to beat them all?...make it so they can't do to us what we fear they'll do?...or dissapoint us how we fear they will?....the answer is "the people"....we are going to need the people to rise up...the people have the ultimate power over EVERYTHING. Literally. There is no corner of Government that cant be kicked in the balls, when you have the power of the people. There needs to be a pivot to local communities....get the local health freedom and liberty groups empowered. Put pressure on allied local legislators....and you want to know what a good catalyst is for getting the strongest surge of political momentum youll ever see in history.....when parents go get their kids tsted for subclinical myocarditis, and other potential organ problems effecting functionality and longevity....your going to have a whole lot of pissed off parents. Once that will be able to dictate to local health districts, doctors, and anyone else....whatever you want to shove down their throat. Discomfort is what creates change. and when "they" can't look their own circles of people in the eyes anymore....the walls will crumble.
That “local pushback” is the problem, the local health is a no-go, in fact avoid contact or conversation. The Sheriff, in whom a great deal of state power is divested, is a no-go. Test my hypothesis, watch the double speak and the final version of “just doing my job”. In Lex Ky (How did Little Hitler -Megan Whitmer A. Beshear wanna- be get selected? Wait that’s not a question), the city has 8k dollars of billboards with the cutsey message, “Get Vaxxd Y’All”. The grease goes all the way to the bottom. The grease of power if not money.
Hmmmm, I have been wondering about the elephant in the room concerning the Means for awhile now. As knowledgeable as they are, complete with facts and figures that easily roll off the tongue, I find it totally infeasible that they wouldn’t have an opinion about the Covid shot disaster. Thank you for holding their feet to the fire. Silence on their part is not accidental and as you say, it’s deeply concerning.
Nice post. I’m in a wait and see mode. It’s my hope that RFK Jr./Jay Bhattacharya crew slide into their new roles and open their cans of whoopass as soon as they are secure in their roles. I’m hoping any posturing or downplaying the mRNAs is strategic posturing. It must be.
I agree. You can't just sit on the throne and overturn something that much of the population has been conditioned to believe is 100% beneficial (vaccination).
When you speak the truth the left will attack you and they are attacking you so you are SPEAKING THE TRUTH one of these days you will be vindicated hold the course I have not had ANY shots for the past 20+ years and am still going at 85 Merry Christmas to All and hopefully 2025 we can get some truth out of Washington Gerry in Ontario Canada
The MAHA is repleat with “Lock Her Up” memories and we see where that ended. Don’t trust Bobby or Donald to get into too deep into the weeds. I guarantee and bet anyone that the. Extension by Biden, the Patriot Act and the continuous Emergency Authorization stays snugly in place. They are all playing us. They are not going to save anybody. Donald Trump still brags about his early role in getting 60,000 Remdesivir intravenous injections.
And The FBI and CDC will live on and on. Agencies run this DOD/Global show, just read Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt posts.
The latest sin meriting the self-appointed “Medical Freedom Movement” firing squad seems to be the appearance of a quid pro quo.
The apparent compromise being that it is currently politically acceptable to question the false narrative of the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2,
BUT NOT acceptable to criticize the BullSh*t “Safe and Effective” narrative
Especially constructed around the gene therapy-based “vaccine” products expressing the toxic engineered Spike protein, and
ABSOLUTELY not acceptable (within Trump world) to criticize the wholesale jettisoning of international regulatory, clinical development,
and bioethical norms which characterized “Operation Warp Speed” (OWS).
The appearance is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and those associated with the Trump HHS “transition” team have agreed to not nominate any candidates identified by corporate media as ‘mRNA anti-vaxxers” and
to not select any candidates who have been critical of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) or the “vaccine” products produced by that Trump administration program. “Anti-vaxxers” are OK, just no “anti-mRNA” vax types.
Just to be clear, if there is any doubt, President Donald Trump considers both OWS and the ensuing RNA “vaccine” products to have been one of his greatest achievements. This position is non-negotiable.
"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."
Great post - at some point, can you please comment on the current childhood vaccination schedule? My vaccinated children have had concerning reactions and side effects. Thanks.
All Vaccines r Bad & unnecessary- Natural, Holistic medicine Works. Look at what's in those shots & what effects they have on the human body. Compare disease statistics in yrs prior2these jabs (& no the Spanish Flu deaths didn't proliferate until After they were vaxed). There r several Xcellent books available detailing the ways bigpharma hoodwinked all n2 taking their poisons. These poisons r cumulative & r destroying our children's health & well-being - just as designed. Their agenda is one that ensures most of our deaths (see their 25 point plan). Amazing how we used2live Hundreds of years - but they've been at this4a VeryVery Long time & r Absolute Pros. Please research & do a deep dive & protect the One asset that means Everything2them - our Innocent Children.
What RFK has been preaching for years, as well as the Meanses since they appeared, is that American health (and concomitant general immune health) is subpar because of our modern lifestyle, and the best way to improve public health is further upstream than modern Western medicine with its paradigm of throwing pharmaceuticals at symptoms.
God bless you Dr Bowden .. your clarity of thought & purpose during this broad assault on humankind gives us cause for hope. Covid brought me the realization that most of our institutions, agencies, & authorities are deeply corrupt .. the only benefit has been taking full personal responsibility for my health & questioning any medical advice I get
Thanks for calling them out. Bobby was a shepherd to lead people to Trump. Two wings of the same bird. Bobby is MK Ultra. His entire family has close ties with CIA and organized crime. If you don’t understand how MK Ultra techniques control so many people, there is plenty of information available. I wrote a substack article about Bobby, who used to be my hero, too:
& Trump became a 33rd degree Mason in 2010. He has also stated sev times his complete & total support of Isreal & that ppl who diss isreal should be Harshly dealt with. Most of his appointees r jewish which is telling. I truly hope I'm wrong but I see some Real Rough times ahead. satan loves2sit n high places & LIE, steal, kill n destroy & he's a Real Pro at deceiving & blinding the unwary. NO Man will save us, esp one that proclaims himself2be God. It's a Spiritual WAR & the demons r running wild. Scriptures do say that God uses those who don't belong2Him2doHis Will so there's Always Hope but I'll never put my Faith in mere, fallible mortals z way2much at stake. Btw Trump, r investors in this medical nightmare.
Salvation is no longer by bloodline, the promise to the house of Israel and house of Judah was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Dispensationalists ("christian zionists") are deceived.
Dispensationalism is a Jesuit theology, it teaches that Jesus Christ didn't fulfilled the promise at Calvary, that the promise to the Jews as a nation will be completely fulfilled at a future end time, which is false teaching, hence the modern Christian Zionist support for Zionism. That is the doctrine of devil that presents a different gospel about a different jesus.
How else can we explain the way dispensationalists are stubborn to the point of supporting wars and genocide of a group of people, who hold a different religious belief? It's logical to conclude that dispensationalists got a counterfeit gospel, which implies that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Calvary was not enough to fulfill the promise to the Jews.
There is one people of God, one remnant.
Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
(Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants? (See Paul’s interpretation in Galatians 3:8, 3:16.)
Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
Who is replacing the word “remnant” in Romans 9:27, with the word “nation”?
Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers\ antichrists (anyone that rejects Christ)?
He has had years of environmental advocacy. He sued Monsanto on behalf of people poisoned. He has sued almost every agency in the govt, including suing Trump.
Kennedy stood up to big pharm for years. When he wrote his book on thimerosal, mercury in vaccines he wasn't exactly in good favor with big pharm. Back when Trump offered him a position his first term, but then instead rescinded it & hired ex-Pfizer execs, hopefully doesn't foreshadow Charlie Brown with the football.
Rfk jr spoke out during Covid & wrote a book about Fauci when it was a hugely unpopular thing to do. He thinks the cia was involved in killing his Dad & you accuse him of working in a nefarious way with them? Really?
As for your "Glen Beck type" connective map of who he knows, thusly condemning him, I don't agree. He knows & has worked along side many people & if they have ties, say to Blackrock or such, it does not mean Bobby accepts all that this group does (in fact he has been very vocal condemning Blackrock, Vanguard, etc, even including Gates). But maybe I am naive? Maybe he has sold his soul to the devil trump & the elites will screw us all.
He has always acted hand-in-hand with reptilian demons including Hillary Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, and UN Sustainability Development Goals guru economist Jeffrey Sachs, who also says a lot of “courageous” things. You are of course naive if you actually take these people at their word.
Saying he has close ties to the agency, is as if you are trying to demean him, is wrong. He is not an agent of & he has spoken against MANY tactics used by these various agencies, that he is against. He has fought for YEARS against poisons in our environment & toxins in our bodies, including injectables. He is a good man.
He cleaned up the Hudson! He won cases against Monsanto on behalf of people poisoned. The list goes on. He points out when safety to humans is a concern like this vid:
I had not heard about the Means, but we have all been wondering when these bioweapon shots will be stopped. Thanks for helping to push the Overton window over for people to see the truth. Have you heard that the mRNA shots also contained graphene molecules, which are like tiny razor blade molecules? If this is true, it is also something that needs to be revealed. There is still a lot that they are trying to hide. May God bless you and protect you.
Thank you for continuing to stand firm against the mRNA propaganda. I respected the Means initially when hearing them on Tucker but have since questioned their authenticity due to not clearly taking a position on the jab. I admire you so very much for standing strong now against the TMB and in the midst of the COVID chaos. You were a voice of truth and a trusted physician who I followed during COVID. I am praying for you.
Looking through Calley Means' posts on X (per the updated link you provided), he basically was making the same argument that many others were making, and that our country's poor metabolic health was making our citizenry much more susceptible to poor health outcomes including death from Covid. So, Covid should have really been the impetus for public health officials to "make America healthy again." But, instead, all they did was push gene based "vaccine" jabs.
I wrote about this in these blogs:
Moreover when it comes to germ theory and terrain theory, we really have to think in both/and rather than either/or terms since the health of one's terrain, in large part, determines our susceptibility to pathogenic germs.
Excellent post. Well written. Thanks for sharing.
Dr. Bowden,
I appreciate your dedication to uncovering the truth and raising critical questions. However, I wanted to kindly clarify a point you made about Dr. Calley Means.
X (formerly Twitter) recently experienced issues with its advanced search functionality. When I performed a search of Calley Means’ posts, I found several references to COVID-19 and vaccines. For instance, he has discussed COVID policies being among the worst public policies of our lifetime, called vaccine mandates a war crime, and labeled the handling of COVID vaccines a disgrace. He has also reposted content referring to COVID-19 as a potential bioweapon, been critical of school closures, and recommended an article by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to his followers more than three years ago. (For the sake of time, I assume Casey Mean's account is similar.) Here’s a link to the search results if you’d like to verify:
I've been a part of this movement, or "war," for 14 years. Many people woke up during COVID-19 (at various times), for which we are extremely thankful, but the reality is that we have been fighting for a very long time for the change we are seeing (or hope to see) now, including for Bobby to have a meaningful role in government. Although the mainstream media may be trying to shift focus, I do not believe MAHA (or, by extension, Bobby) will ignore pharmaceutical companies or vaccines. His work with Children’s Health Defense and his lifelong commitment to vaccine safety cannot be understated. The shifts in his campaign strategy were likely the result of complex considerations and not the influence of one group or individual.
Thank you for the important work you do. Your voice is vital in this fight, and I hope this adds some clarity to the discussion.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will edit and include this. I still would like him to acknowledge that the shots are dangerous and should be pulled off the market, which thus far he has been unwilling to do.
Maybe this will bother him ethically enough to go on record:
"Pfizer SV40 DNA has now been found in the blood of Australians."
How about some blood testing for SV40 DNA here in the U.S.?
As an aside, want to let you know that in doing some research just yesterday re. my concerns r/t Trump's recent quiet "picks" ... announced during the busy final days before Xmas when next to no one is paying attention ... that I ran across a16z. It has another name: Andreessen Horowitz ... 42 bill. in assets under management. (Am no financial wiz but how is this of any less concern than Blackrock/Vanguard, etc.?) Trump named Sriram Krishnan, a general partner at AH, as Senior White House Policy Advisor on Artificial Intelligence. He & his wife are known as the "Silicon Valley Power Couple" who "Turned Their Robust Network Into A Global Show."
The equivalent strategy of the Means but for tech?
First off, I appreciate you both. Please stop. Honestly, he doesn’t owe you the time of day. Do you think he’s knowledgeable enough to go on record? I don’t. We all need to find a way to come together or we’ll be forever embroiled in petty disputes and policies. Let’s work together.
Wow! I hope you meant this for Calley! All he did was avoid most of the push back from Mary and Jack and never really took a position. The fact that he won't ban High Fructrose or call for a suspense of the covid shots, shows his true colors.
In a tweet on Jul 2 2021, Calley did state "I'm all for vaccinations".
Like many others, I'm very wary of the Means' rise to prominence. They seem to me to be very slick operators, & very much invested in high-tech solutions.
I share your wariness, but I would also point out that a lot of people have changed their stance on vaccinations since 2021, including me. I can't speak for Calley Means, but I'm open to the possibility.
Yes, but it's hard to know who is genuine about that, & who may be using it as a type of political expediency. I'm sure at least some people in high positions can intuit there is a chance of a major sea change coming & want to position themselves well to take advantage.
That's what I said :)
Good point. Thinking about it for a moment, that would be a rather classic move by the enemy.
Looking forward to the podcast on Dec 25. And Merry Christmas!
Looking forward to that interview podcast. As I view the various writings of all of you folks in the front trenches there seems to be a lot of concern about this guy or that guy, and this trump pick or that one. Some of them good, some of them bad. I just have to say....want to know how to beat them all?...make it so they can't do to us what we fear they'll do?...or dissapoint us how we fear they will?....the answer is "the people"....we are going to need the people to rise up...the people have the ultimate power over EVERYTHING. Literally. There is no corner of Government that cant be kicked in the balls, when you have the power of the people. There needs to be a pivot to local communities....get the local health freedom and liberty groups empowered. Put pressure on allied local legislators....and you want to know what a good catalyst is for getting the strongest surge of political momentum youll ever see in history.....when parents go get their kids tsted for subclinical myocarditis, and other potential organ problems effecting functionality and longevity....your going to have a whole lot of pissed off parents. Once that will be able to dictate to local health districts, doctors, and anyone else....whatever you want to shove down their throat. Discomfort is what creates change. and when "they" can't look their own circles of people in the eyes anymore....the walls will crumble.
That “local pushback” is the problem, the local health is a no-go, in fact avoid contact or conversation. The Sheriff, in whom a great deal of state power is divested, is a no-go. Test my hypothesis, watch the double speak and the final version of “just doing my job”. In Lex Ky (How did Little Hitler -Megan Whitmer A. Beshear wanna- be get selected? Wait that’s not a question), the city has 8k dollars of billboards with the cutsey message, “Get Vaxxd Y’All”. The grease goes all the way to the bottom. The grease of power if not money.
Hmmmm, I have been wondering about the elephant in the room concerning the Means for awhile now. As knowledgeable as they are, complete with facts and figures that easily roll off the tongue, I find it totally infeasible that they wouldn’t have an opinion about the Covid shot disaster. Thank you for holding their feet to the fire. Silence on their part is not accidental and as you say, it’s deeply concerning.
Nice post. I’m in a wait and see mode. It’s my hope that RFK Jr./Jay Bhattacharya crew slide into their new roles and open their cans of whoopass as soon as they are secure in their roles. I’m hoping any posturing or downplaying the mRNAs is strategic posturing. It must be.
I agree. You can't just sit on the throne and overturn something that much of the population has been conditioned to believe is 100% beneficial (vaccination).
When you speak the truth the left will attack you and they are attacking you so you are SPEAKING THE TRUTH one of these days you will be vindicated hold the course I have not had ANY shots for the past 20+ years and am still going at 85 Merry Christmas to All and hopefully 2025 we can get some truth out of Washington Gerry in Ontario Canada
The MAHA is repleat with “Lock Her Up” memories and we see where that ended. Don’t trust Bobby or Donald to get into too deep into the weeds. I guarantee and bet anyone that the. Extension by Biden, the Patriot Act and the continuous Emergency Authorization stays snugly in place. They are all playing us. They are not going to save anybody. Donald Trump still brags about his early role in getting 60,000 Remdesivir intravenous injections.
And The FBI and CDC will live on and on. Agencies run this DOD/Global show, just read Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt posts.
Beware Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
The latest sin meriting the self-appointed “Medical Freedom Movement” firing squad seems to be the appearance of a quid pro quo.
The apparent compromise being that it is currently politically acceptable to question the false narrative of the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2,
BUT NOT acceptable to criticize the BullSh*t “Safe and Effective” narrative
Especially constructed around the gene therapy-based “vaccine” products expressing the toxic engineered Spike protein, and
ABSOLUTELY not acceptable (within Trump world) to criticize the wholesale jettisoning of international regulatory, clinical development,
and bioethical norms which characterized “Operation Warp Speed” (OWS).
The appearance is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and those associated with the Trump HHS “transition” team have agreed to not nominate any candidates identified by corporate media as ‘mRNA anti-vaxxers” and
to not select any candidates who have been critical of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) or the “vaccine” products produced by that Trump administration program. “Anti-vaxxers” are OK, just no “anti-mRNA” vax types.
Just to be clear, if there is any doubt, President Donald Trump considers both OWS and the ensuing RNA “vaccine” products to have been one of his greatest achievements. This position is non-negotiable.
That's an interesting delineation.
"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."
-Leo Tolstoy
From e.g.
Great post - at some point, can you please comment on the current childhood vaccination schedule? My vaccinated children have had concerning reactions and side effects. Thanks.
All Vaccines r Bad & unnecessary- Natural, Holistic medicine Works. Look at what's in those shots & what effects they have on the human body. Compare disease statistics in yrs prior2these jabs (& no the Spanish Flu deaths didn't proliferate until After they were vaxed). There r several Xcellent books available detailing the ways bigpharma hoodwinked all n2 taking their poisons. These poisons r cumulative & r destroying our children's health & well-being - just as designed. Their agenda is one that ensures most of our deaths (see their 25 point plan). Amazing how we used2live Hundreds of years - but they've been at this4a VeryVery Long time & r Absolute Pros. Please research & do a deep dive & protect the One asset that means Everything2them - our Innocent Children.
Yup, appeared out of nowhere, just in time to jump on health band wagon. They don't pass the smell test.
Is there a health problem?
What RFK has been preaching for years, as well as the Meanses since they appeared, is that American health (and concomitant general immune health) is subpar because of our modern lifestyle, and the best way to improve public health is further upstream than modern Western medicine with its paradigm of throwing pharmaceuticals at symptoms.
God bless you Dr Bowden .. your clarity of thought & purpose during this broad assault on humankind gives us cause for hope. Covid brought me the realization that most of our institutions, agencies, & authorities are deeply corrupt .. the only benefit has been taking full personal responsibility for my health & questioning any medical advice I get
Thank you for bringing this to light. It seems to me the Means’ are in Pharma’s pocket. Hope I’m wrong (don’t think I am).
Thanks for calling them out. Bobby was a shepherd to lead people to Trump. Two wings of the same bird. Bobby is MK Ultra. His entire family has close ties with CIA and organized crime. If you don’t understand how MK Ultra techniques control so many people, there is plenty of information available. I wrote a substack article about Bobby, who used to be my hero, too:
& Trump became a 33rd degree Mason in 2010. He has also stated sev times his complete & total support of Isreal & that ppl who diss isreal should be Harshly dealt with. Most of his appointees r jewish which is telling. I truly hope I'm wrong but I see some Real Rough times ahead. satan loves2sit n high places & LIE, steal, kill n destroy & he's a Real Pro at deceiving & blinding the unwary. NO Man will save us, esp one that proclaims himself2be God. It's a Spiritual WAR & the demons r running wild. Scriptures do say that God uses those who don't belong2Him2doHis Will so there's Always Hope but I'll never put my Faith in mere, fallible mortals z way2much at stake. Btw Trump, r investors in this medical nightmare.
Jesus was Jewish - is that a problem? Stephen (deportation) Miller and Michael (borders language culture) Savage are Jewish - are they a problem?
Biden Clinton Fauci Gates Hillary Macron Merkel 0bama Pelosi Schwab Trudeau aren't Jewish - did you notice?
Genesis 12:3 - you are in grave danger.
You are conflating being Israeli with being Jewish. They are not the same.
Salvation is no longer by bloodline, the promise to the house of Israel and house of Judah was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Dispensationalists ("christian zionists") are deceived.
Dispensationalism is a Jesuit theology, it teaches that Jesus Christ didn't fulfilled the promise at Calvary, that the promise to the Jews as a nation will be completely fulfilled at a future end time, which is false teaching, hence the modern Christian Zionist support for Zionism. That is the doctrine of devil that presents a different gospel about a different jesus.
How else can we explain the way dispensationalists are stubborn to the point of supporting wars and genocide of a group of people, who hold a different religious belief? It's logical to conclude that dispensationalists got a counterfeit gospel, which implies that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Calvary was not enough to fulfill the promise to the Jews.
There is one people of God, one remnant.
Who is really teaching “Replacement Theology” ?
(Did God fulfill His promises to the Jewish people at Calvary? Matthew 26:28, John 19:30)
The advocates of modern Dispensational Theology often accuse others of promoting “Replacement Theology”, or some may even say “Antisemitism”. What does the Bible say about their accusations?
Who is replacing Christ as the seed of Abraham through which all the families of the Earth would be blessed in Genesis 12:3, with Abraham’s modern descendants? (See Paul’s interpretation in Galatians 3:8, 3:16.)
Who is replacing the one people of God in John 10:16, with two peoples of God ?
Who is replacing the one seed (Christ) in Galatians 3:16, with the many seeds?
Who is replacing the children of the promise in Romans 9:8, with the children of the flesh?
Who is replacing the word “remnant” in Romans 9:27, with the word “nation”?
Who is replacing the faithful “remnant” of Israelites in Romans 11:1-5, with the Baal worshipers\ antichrists (anyone that rejects Christ)?
He has had years of environmental advocacy. He sued Monsanto on behalf of people poisoned. He has sued almost every agency in the govt, including suing Trump.
Kennedy stood up to big pharm for years. When he wrote his book on thimerosal, mercury in vaccines he wasn't exactly in good favor with big pharm. Back when Trump offered him a position his first term, but then instead rescinded it & hired ex-Pfizer execs, hopefully doesn't foreshadow Charlie Brown with the football.
Rfk jr spoke out during Covid & wrote a book about Fauci when it was a hugely unpopular thing to do. He thinks the cia was involved in killing his Dad & you accuse him of working in a nefarious way with them? Really?
As for your "Glen Beck type" connective map of who he knows, thusly condemning him, I don't agree. He knows & has worked along side many people & if they have ties, say to Blackrock or such, it does not mean Bobby accepts all that this group does (in fact he has been very vocal condemning Blackrock, Vanguard, etc, even including Gates). But maybe I am naive? Maybe he has sold his soul to the devil trump & the elites will screw us all.
He has always acted hand-in-hand with reptilian demons including Hillary Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, and UN Sustainability Development Goals guru economist Jeffrey Sachs, who also says a lot of “courageous” things. You are of course naive if you actually take these people at their word.
Because Sachs said hooray for Kennedy to be in office does not mean Rfk jr is in league with he or other "reptilians."
Kennedy has always revered nature & fought hard to preserve it. Will Trump or big ag, big pharm allow him to make change? It remains to be seen.
15 years ago he talked about nature here:
Saying he has close ties to the agency, is as if you are trying to demean him, is wrong. He is not an agent of & he has spoken against MANY tactics used by these various agencies, that he is against. He has fought for YEARS against poisons in our environment & toxins in our bodies, including injectables. He is a good man.
His “fight” has resulted in what benefits? He says the right things. Does that really mean anything?
He cleaned up the Hudson! He won cases against Monsanto on behalf of people poisoned. The list goes on. He points out when safety to humans is a concern like this vid:
I had not heard about the Means, but we have all been wondering when these bioweapon shots will be stopped. Thanks for helping to push the Overton window over for people to see the truth. Have you heard that the mRNA shots also contained graphene molecules, which are like tiny razor blade molecules? If this is true, it is also something that needs to be revealed. There is still a lot that they are trying to hide. May God bless you and protect you.