As an RN of 30 years and witness to vax injuries and other successes in other treatment outside of hospital settings you have my support

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May justice prevail. I’m looking forward to retweeting each and every retraction.

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Keep up the fight!

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Your case is exposing a generalized method used to discredit and bully doctors everywhere by hospital administrators and other captured regulatory groups like state medical boards. The method includes campaigns on social media to harass, never to explore or enlighten. It is important to win this for all doctors or the methods will prevail.

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Dr. Mary, you are on the right side of history.

I know that it is probably very disheartening to see the predictable smears as the mass formation cult members try to quash truth.

The medical community has been exposed as either gullible or complicit...or sinister. That was one of the first things that became apparent. (I knew the media and Big Tech were wholly corrupt.)

Don't let it get to you.

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Thank you for your bravery and for putting patients' wellbeing first. Maybe it isn't my place to say this, but if you should win a large settlement, I hope it can be used to help the many vaccine-injured or to otherwise fight the good fight.

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Narcissists injured resort to smear campaigns. Those willing to continue to promote the use of Remdesivir are obviously benefiting from the continued use of this lethal drug. Anyone who can turn a blind eye in preference of status and profit is a sociopath. Sociopaths do not win; the truth always prevails. In Karma I trust. Stay strong, we are with you. 🙏🏻

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"Houston Methodist, We Have A Problem"

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Methodist is known for bullying their employees and Physicians. Being able to continually run the same plays over and over, will one day catch up to them. Stand strong doc.

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God, you're one crazy fucking bitch. You should have your medical license taken away.

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