I'm on your side, I'm rooting for you to win. You and thousands of courageous doctors like you have been falsely discredited and viciously targeted for daring to speak the truth. I support and commend you.

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Houston Methodist is fighting the release of their data because it proves that they are aware of the high death rates in their hospital.

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Initially, I was horrified at the vicious conduct of the hospital against a life-saver like Dr. Bowden. Thanks to your comment, I realize there is an even more insidious agenda at work - to cover up their iatrogenic deaths. To think they are making Dr. Bowden the villain...?! She is a hero!

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The hospital death rates data can be used in court to prove criminal charges against hospital executives. While Houston Methodist ridiculed someone with a 100% success rate, the were simultaneously killing patients at an unknown high rate. They may as well be hiding a smoking gun.

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They killed my mother. She went in after a fall and ended up dead after their deadly protocols.

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I suggest you have depositions taken of everyone involved.

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They need a scapegoat! It’s criminal.

All will be revealed!

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After reading my comments of support on Insta, Gettr, TS, & Twitter, you know where I stand. I think you are one of the Bravest and Courageous people I know. I trust and support you. Many people feel the same.

You are the type of Doctor most Med Students believe they will be in their practice but many fall short. You put the patient first with PROVEN science. I wish you were my doc.


Thanks for getting and staying in this fight. I (we) have your Six.



Semper Fi

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I will never use Houston Methodist system again. The people running that place are low life liars, that cost people their lives. Not only did they suppress safe and effective treatments, and attack doctors who dared to speak the truth, they actually killed patients, like my mother, with Remdesivir and vents when they knew that these protocols kill. They are simply monstrous.

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Oh what a tangled web that poor hospital has found themselves in. Keep up the good fight!!! We are praying for your lawsuit to expose the lies.

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God Bless you and continue to give you strength. Thank You and all the other great people sacrificing their careers and licenses to spread truth, help people and save lives.


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Dr. Mary,

I have been and will CONTINUE to pray on your behalf for this Case. Those of us who know you, know that the other side is LYING to cover their mistakes and gross mis-conduct.

I was tested once for Covid in February 2022 and tested NEGATIVE. Another medical professional prescribed to me IVM for Prevention and Maintenance. I added Elderberry's . Why I am telling you this ? IVM prescribed BEFORE a person gets Covid helps some people to NEVER get Covid. I am in this group of people because I have worked around Covid postive people since March 2020 and am still Covid free. Thank YOU JESUS !

If you need someone to testify that IVM works, have your lawyer contact me and I will sign a Sworn Affidavit that IVM works and did NOT give me any side effects, on your behalf. I have Medical Exemptions for both The Jab for Covid and The Jab for Influenza because an Influenza Jab about killed me over 20 years. The TRUTH will prevail in your Case !

Have you contacted our friend Emily about this so she can write an article and get it out online so others can be praying and offering you the support you need at this time ? I'm in your corner !



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It seems to me that the vax-pushers are attempting to monopolize the treatment of a disease as well as their own useless products. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to exclude any treatments and preventives other than their own. Worse, the government has assisted. Do the antitrust and anti-monopoly laws apply to this kind of conduct?

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My friend's girlfriend was receiving cancer treatment at Houston Methodist. She was in remission. They required her to get the vaccine and her cancer came back with a vengeance and she passed away. Tragic.

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Also, my boss who is an 82 year old triple Moderna vaccinated Texas attorney wanted me to let you know he will testify that Ivermectin worked for him. He was very sick, got the meds from Kory's PA mailed to him. He got well in 24 hours and is a full believer.

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Kudos to you for standing up against these tyrants.

Hubris infects the medical profession. New Substack release. Watch MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY DISEASE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-way-or-the-highway-disease

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"Why India did not allow Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine?" A VERY telling 11min video by Drbeen Medical Lectures on YouTube. Simply put, Pharmaceutical Companies reap all the profits without accepting any responsibility. Worth watching! Also videos by Dr. John Campbell.

All the best to you Dr. Bowden. You are on the right side of history!

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I hope when you win this you take a nice vacation! I smell victory for truth coming.

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This is outrageous that such a meritorious lawsuit was dismissed. It should obviously go to trial, as a matter of constitutional right.

Dr. Bowden, I appreciate that you posted your affidavit. I've found the complaint and answer online as well. Has the "Motion to Dismiss" appeared anywhere? Is the judge's decision available yet?

The substacks from "Misinformation Kills" and "Dr. Patmas" seem to indicate that the matter was dismissed based on the Texas anti-SLAPP statute. Do you know if this is correct? If so, you might want to contact this specialist: Sean Lemoine at www.antislapptexas.com.

I also recommend you take a look at the "Laws in Texas" website. This blogger writes extensively about judicial misconduct and what to do about it. He has an article about your case, here:


Suggests that part of your problem might be your legal team. Steven Biss has a history of being hit for opponents' legal expenses and sanctions for bad behavior.

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Rooting and praying for you, Mary. You couldn't have given a better affidavit/response. It's such a shame you had to go through this and hopefully it ends soon. Maybe someday all of these evil people will get what they give. You're a real hero! 🙏💕

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This hospital's administration deserves nothing less than total personal financial destruction. If there is justice, that is what will happen; anything less is a travesty.

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Please keep fighting, the treatment by Boom and Methodist is tyrannical, unscientific, and illegal. You are clearly proven right now that the injection has failed to stop cov or hospitalizations. You are vindicated already whether you win or not, but I hope you can appeal further and win because you deserve it. You are a courageous hero and example to our country.

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