Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

We've been transported to the Bizarro World, where up is down and integrity is evil. High-level qualities such as Honor, Integrity, Spirituality, Freedom, Personal Responsibility and Accountability, Wisdom, Knowledge and Competence are being eroded and attacked by depraved, degraded, psychotic and fascist politicians, government and education officials, and 'new world order' elements. The level of medical "education" you described is a symptom of the above decay, as well as being an offshoot of the 'corporatization' the US health care system. US health care now has less to do with ensuring people’s health, than with politically correct, mindless-drone groupthink.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

We will be seeing death on a regular basis and I guess it’s called Sudden Death Syndrome. Give me a break. My father passed away 3 months after his 2 covid (Pfizer) shot. Being in the medical field questioned everything about the jab. It was the greatest con on the world. Lock us down set us in front of the propaganda news and listen in the fear and not asking more questions. This was planned and it was delivered to the medical field as a money maker. Everything is so wrong now. Narrative should always be questioned and I was always told not to trust the government. Weird that the government had it all planned out in 2013. Now we who fight for answers and the truth are silenced. What exactly are the pharma hiding? Yep it’s because they knew the One World Order has to come. Just open your eyes. We are in big trouble. We must use our voices and make sure everyone knows and be there for those who got duped. God’s blessings to those fighting against tyranny.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Mary Talley Bowden MD

Thank you! Your dedication and healthy skepticism gives me hope. Intellectual curiosity and debate must be re-instilled in our society. In all our educational institutions we are systematically teaching people not to think and to no longer engage in rigorous debate on our most important issues. And I can attest to this from my own personal experiences.

In my twenties I attended graduate school and was "taught" to value diversity. After years and much introspection, however, I realized I had been indoctrinated with the false premise that diverse backgrounds and people always yield superior results - in anything. Unlike my peers, I slowly came to the realization that this was patently false. There are many instances where you need/want the brightest and smartest group to accomplish something - and that group may or may not be "diverse". And by no means was this racist or discriminatory - yet at the time this was not a belief that was encouraged. Having lived through it I can attest to how subtle it was, so reasonable and rational to consume. I am grateful that I was somehow able to overcome this mentality.

Nowadays though, it’s a whole new ballgame, it’s a war zone, they don’t even hide it and to challenge these new norms ( like the trans trend/use of puberty blockers etc) is potential career suicide. But if we don't challenge this - if we don't stand up for intellectual curiosity and debate, what kind of society will we have? Please - keep fighting the good fight - keep striving to find places and good people who are encouraged, like you, to speak out and question important issues and topics - to debate and grow! Our livelihoods, quite literally, depend on it.

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You are a great doctor. 👍

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Know what this is in all its forms. The Hegelian dialectic is of diabolic origin, the source of all things known as despotic Communism. In the vernacular of my northwest lndiana origins as a teen in the 70’s, we called it “mind-fuckery”, aka total BS. The purpose is to create cognitive dissonance, confusion, multiple self contradiction, and is essentially psychological and emotional torture. It is pure evil. It is the Faustian bargain. It is “damned if you do, but in actuality, not truly damned if you don’t.”

The challenge is to persevere in the truth no matter what the worldly consequences. It is staying the course in that conviction. It is calling upon God to sustain the strength to suffer the persecution. Those who understand the true example Jesus Christ exhibited for all the world to see know the horrors he suffered. The debasement, the humiliation, the agony, the injustice, to endure to the end and complete his mission.

Not only did He, as the all powerful Creator, in his Trinity know, and feel, and endure this end of his fleshly form, but even more astonishingly, knew from his very moment of entry into this worldly realm, that this was the course he must take to redeem all the sins of man throughout all of time.

Now consider that Divine Knowledge was felt and known by His Holy human perfect Mother Mary, simultaneously and continuously, with her perfect love for Him and His Father, and the Holy Ghost. She knew His Will Be Done was the course set.

It is knowledge no average human could endure and sustain for those 33 years without feeling despair. Without question, without regard for her own suffering the entire time; it was her perfect love that enabled this Grace.

If anyone is still reading my ramble, just contemplate these truths with open eyes, an open mind, and an open heart. Perhaps, if you do, you will be inspired to know that in the end, Holy Mother of Jesus, Mary’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.

So for the medical students who suffered the indignation of this Hegelian psychobabble lie and betray their own conscience in doing so, they did have a choice. They could have stood in the truth. There will be no reward for them in their lives, and their acquiesce will potentially undermine their ability to serve their calling to be healers of their fellow humans.

Don’t take my word for it. Seek the whole truth. See the suicide rates for doctors and medical students. See the psychological damage this causes. The data is out there.

This example is perfectly illustration of my constant assertion that a Godless world is hell on earth. I choose to look to Jesus, for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. I choose eternity over the false illusion of worldly distraction. It took me a long time to truly see this, and I am grateful I finally have.

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Great piece from someone in the trenches.

In the age of, "Test, prescribe drugs, repeat", it's good to know that there still are REAL doctors out there, who truly do care.

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It took me 5 months to get an appointment for an MRI of my back, no one would make the appt! Finally someone I got someone at scheduling that tried again. They had to call me back & said per the ADMINISTRATOR I was to go in person, give them the admin name. So I did. No appointment! The scheduler called me back again, apologizing and had me hold on while he got me the appt. When he got back on the phone with me he gave me my appt!! WHOOOT! But .. when he had to input it was an MRI of my back he got upset and said the MRI place said they didn't know how to do MRI's of the back!! He apologized and TOLD ME I WAS A POLITICAL TARGET! I'm not VAXXED! Unreal! I found another place to go but not connected to my Drs or Hospital. They were wonderful!

Another instance was getting COVID tested at an urgent care for outpatient surgery! I refused having the PCR in my nose almost to my brain. The Dr came in & said I had a mental disorder! Got my PCR just fine without it going up so far.

Yep, it's scary for patients because you're not getting the good care we did before. My family Dr QUIT/ RETIRED EARLY because of all the lies and discrimination.

Good luck to all you physician's and nurses that want to actually care for patients without all the insanity playing in. 🙏🥀🛐

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