Bravo! May your arrow lodge deep into the target! Does a win here then bring down EUA by definition, or is that a next battle?

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I'm just a paralegal, and this is not legal advice; however, I believe that would require a different suit filed using this ruling as a basis. Let's win this first. Step by step.

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technically it should end the EUAs but only if the Man announces it's a valid treatment for the executive order State of Emergency disease. which they never will as it would sink tens of billions of profits for their co-racketeers...

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Dr. Bowden, would you please post the affidavits so we can read those too?

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Dr. Mary Bowden !

Thank you for having the courage to STAND UP to this modern day "Goliath". People are ALIVE because of your actions. Why is the FDA meddling in your medical decisions when MORE people are LIVING from your prescriptions for Ivermectin and other things you have prescribed ?

I think the answer is clear. Hospitals make more $$ treating the symptoms of cancer than REMOVING and HEALING and KEEPING the body 100% free of cancer cells. The same is true with Covid. Hospitals have the potential to being BILLION dollar industry's - even if they are "non-profit".

Look at the Kaiser conglomerate as an example. Kaiser gave their top person Bernard Tyson a HUGE bonus one year in the MILLION$ of dollars rather than use that money to build a Kaiser Hospital, for example, in Colorado where they have ZERO hospitals.

Again, thank you for speaking up Dr. Mary Bowden and DOING the right thing by putting patients health and life above what the Feds and others have falsely said, that you did wrong. Interesting the Feds INVESTIGATED you while IGNORING the millions of people getting deathly sick and 1000's who have died.

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