I used Ivermectin to successfully treat over 1,000 COVID patients without losing one. I was band from all social media for spreading misinformation. I lost many friends and credibility. But the president of El Salvador praised me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBk5dRsxlNg

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Dr. Miller,


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Thank you for your support. Going forward we have learned many lessons and will need to band together for the truth.

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would you mind sending me your email address. Mine is <miller@gvtc.com>

God bless you.

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Perhaps RJKJ will make a difference. Perhaps some day people will realize the truth. I'm sorry Dr. Miller that happened to you! I'm currently suffering with long Covid and am waiting for my Ivermectin to arrive. I have trouble breathing and have been to the ER 2x. I don't want to go back there. Blessings.

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Angela, Thanks for your kind words. Let me know if your ivermectin does not arrive soon. Are you following the FLCCC protocols for long covid? Are you taking your vitamin D3, Zinc and Magnesium?

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Vitamin D3 is rat poison, mate. Have you ever looked at the ingredients?

And you're a medical doctor. Further reinforces my distrust in anyone working in that field.

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WTF are you talking about. There are numerous studies showing the benefits of taking vitamin D3 especially during the winter. Without D3 the immune system will be compromised.

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Impossible to have an intelligent conversation with someone who does not believe in germs, viruses, vitamins and the immune system. Let's move on.

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How do you isolate vitamin D from the sun?

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The "immune system" is BS. Made up garbage to reinforce the virus hoax and contagion myth all serving to boost big pharma profits. Read this:


Then do your own research and wake up.

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Ignorance is bliss.

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Joel may I respectfully say that we should be kind to each other ...

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Just read the article i sent with cited facts on the ingredients and manufacture of vitamin D3 and get with the program. Sorry to be mean and offensive. It just really angers me when I see people pushing poisonon people without having looked at these kinds of things.

Here is the article for ref: https://open.substack.com/pub/chemtrails/p/vitamin-d-is-rat-poison-the-fraudulent?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=3khek5

Ivermectin is no better, I'm sorry to say. You need to do some serious digging before double footing into faith in chemical remedies.

You cant poison (aka chemicals) yourself back to health, at the end of the day.

Please research for yourselves. Stop listening to this MD Douglass. He is making money out of your ill health, make no mistake

Love and peace

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Vitamin D3 is natures essential element. It is made by our skin when activated by the sun. Commercial Vit D3 is an identical chemical for those who cannot or will not get it naturally. The body does not function well without Vitamin D3.

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Impossible to have an intelligent conversation with someone who does not believe in germs, viruses, vitamins and the immune system. Let's move on.

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So you agree, you have to have "belief in germs, viruses, vitamins and the immune system", then?

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It is like not believing in gravity. Just because you dont believe in it, try jumping off a tall building.

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The medical system making you nice and wealthy then?

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I have worked 100% free for humanitarian causes for the past 15 years. I have not made one penny. I received the humanitarian of the year award from the University of Michigan in 2017 for saving the lives of over 4 million people worldwide with my EZ-IO. I have a full time mission in El Salvador and one here in Texas where I donate all my expertise and help to those who have no money or insurance. How many lives have you saved?

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if you treated covid, you bought into the lie. CHARLES KOVESS. https://rumble.com/v642szv-dr-j.jay-couey.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

CHARLES KOVESS. https://rumble.com/c/c-1504535

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Dear doctor Miller ,you where treating the good old flu not any covid whyrusses .The flues I had I treated with home remedies ,it worked every time . Whaui ,I never thought being a doctor is soooo easy .

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No Joe, I tested all my patients for influenza A and influenza B. These patients I treated for COVID only had covid. Thousands of others that were not fortunate enough to get IVERMECTIN, died from COVID and from the treatment they received in the hospital.

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Dr. Miller,

Six family members and myself can attest that COVID-19 is real after we all tested positive for COVID-19 (the "wicked bad" Delta variant) in late December 2021. It was NOTHING like the flu and four of us suffered with "happy" hypoxia and COVID-19 pneumonia.

ALMIGHTY GOD provided us a COVID-19 Doctor that used the FLCCC protocols to provide for our every need at home (including oxygen) via text messages. Otherwise we would have ended up in the hospital and most likely died due to the HORRIBLE hospital protocols.

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Has no one over there heard that the covid test in INVALID. Kerry who invented it suddenly died before covid, when he said you caNNOT use it to determine a virus........I think that says it all. Anyone, who thinks the test proves covid is still living under a rug. Wake up....you are 3 years behind for goodness sakes. Wake up

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Incorrect. There are several types of COVID tests. PCR and antigen. They are 99% accurate. Some are false negative, but when they test positive, it is covid 19. The accuracy of the tests have been validated by many independent labs. Many issues with COVID treatment in the USA were totally wrong and caused thousands of unnecessary deaths. including withholding great medicine like Eyev*** (cant say it or I will be blocked) and given meds and ventilators in the hospital that killed you. But the COVID tests were very accurate. The other issue facing us was that covid deaths were over reported because, even if you died in a car accident, if you also tested positive for asymptomatic covid, Doctors had to report the cause of death to be COVID.

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Both PCR and antigen tests are completely flawed. I have obtained multiple positive results from testing many different substances such as orange juice and cola, and many more. This means we were forced into a pandemic based on a diagnostic tool that could pick up a so called "virus" (which has never been proven to exist) from substances that weren't even taken from a human. Are we saying my orange juice was infected?

I worked with people who were using the flaws in these tests, to get time off work. I encouraged school/college and uni age friends to do the same to get time off their indoctrination centres. Some indeed did.

No virus has ever been observed. It is all a scam to push big pharma profits, and cause illness from toxic pharmaceuticals, which I see you're pushing yourself. Either you're a shill, gritting to make a quick buck, or you have done zero research into the findings of the germ theory and found that pasteur was a 33rd degree freemason, pushing the germ theory for the Rockefeller inc.

See Jamie Andrew's SS doing various control studies on the failings of the PCR and antigen tests:


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Right…… sure. I still disagree but agree with the meds ventilators and deaths. Covidvtests are bullshit. Test a goat. Test an orange. Test a weed. I appreciate your rebuttal but your opinion doesn’t change mine. Proof.

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Both PCR and antigen tests are completely flawed. I have obtained multiple positive results from testing many different substances such as orange juice and cola, and many more. This means we were forced into a pandemic based on a diagnostic tool that could pick up a so called "virus" (which has never been proven to exist) from substances that weren't even taken from a human. Are we saying my orange juice was infected?

I worked with people who were using the flaws in these tests, to get time off work. I encouraged school/college and uni age friends to do the same to get time off their indoctrination centres. Some indeed did.

No virus has ever been observed. It is all a scam to push big pharma profits, and cause illness from toxic pharmaceuticals, which I see you're pushing yourself. Either you're a shill, gritting to make a quick buck, or you have done zero research into the findings of the germ theory and found that pasteur was a 33rd degree freemason, pushing the germ theory for the Rockefeller inc.

See Jamie Andrew's SS doing various control studies on the failings of the PCR and antigen tests:


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Not basing it off of the COVID-19 test. 7 of us experienced the infection with symptoms none of us have ever experienced before in all of our lives.

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Thank you Dr. I'm always willing to learn. Joe

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I praise you! Excellent work!!

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Dear Dr Miller, thank you for your courage and service to the patients you saved and for your continued position (with your colleagues, friends, family and media) on the complete debacle by health care professionals and their surrogates in the government and media complex. The discourse on this Blog, more specifically folks refuting some of your positions is based on the massive LIES that have been perpetrated on the world by those entrusted with putting the patient first. All TRUST has been lost and once that happens everyone will question everything any health care providers promotes. The damage to humanity's trust will be felt for generations as we move thru this dystopian time in history. You must be sensitive to people who disagree with you if you and fellow physicians ever want to rebuild the public's trust.

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Thank you Mark. I agree with your evaluation of the damage and loss of trust the public has for our profession. Unless we acknowledge the wrong and errors of our ways and turn from giving a pill for every ill, to concurrently and proactively addressing the root cause of chronic illnesses, we will never regain trust or significance in the medical world.

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Thank you for being YOU. There really aren’t adequate words to describe the special kind of thanks one deserves for doing what you did during such hostile times.

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Thank you. Together we can make a difference for future generations.

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We started taking IVM every 14 days in January 2021. We never got COVID. I don’t think I would have gotten it anyway. I haven’t had the flu in over 30 years. And that was the one time I was stupid enough to take the flu shot. Got the flu a couple of months later. My good friend from high school is a retired, high IQ veterinarian. He assured me IVM was perfectly safe for us to take. So we went to the feed store to get our supply. Not Tractor Supply. They pulled it off the shelf. We got it at a local feed store.

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More to the story. We had another classmate who became an attorney. He and I fought like cats and dogs over the jabs. He told me I was a f’ing hillbilly to listen to a horse vet and not a physician. I warned him he was playing with fire. He died in January 2022 just two months after his 3rd Pfizer shot. Turbo pancreatic cancer. Both of his parents were still alive in their 90s.

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Too sad...

I'll leave it there.

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Should one feel sorry for promoters of death shots ,when they them self later die of their own medicine . ?are lives saved not having them around??

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Oh my! WHY.DON'T.PEOPLE.LISTEN. I'm sorry you lost your classmate. How horrifying.

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I have a supply of both Iver and Fenben, but haven't used.

Like you, I had my last "flu shot" in 2012, and subsequently got the flu.

I'm unvaxxed, and have never had Covid (aka flu rebranded).

So far so good...

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CoViD-19 is not 'flu rebranded'! Repeated CoViD infections, even if mild or even asymptomatic, still can progressively degrade long term health, including the immunological system. Influenza is not known to have such long term effects.

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FYI...Corona virus is the strain that caused flu and colds. Flu is Corona virus and Corona virus is flu. Always has been! It is the flu....and 2019 was even milder flu season than previous ones. It was propagandized and hyped, to cause fear and make the weaker of the masses to get the experimental, DNA altering injections. What they are calling "long covid" is nothing more than covid injections injuries and disabilities. I see this first hand in my injected clients

We make choices in life....uninformed choices reap consequences. Informed choices reap benefits....always has been that way.

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Hi Truthseeker: I was diagnosed with "covid/Pneumonia" in mid November. I had covid before but it was truthfully nothing. Took Ivermectin and was better in days. But on this 2nd go round I have (whatever it is) bad. I have been coughing since THE BEGINNING. Was in the ER twice in November and could not catch my breath. Very frightening. They took chest x-rays, etc., and informed me I had covid/pneumonia. Lots of meds .. the pneumonia is gone, (I think) but I an still coughing like crazy (I have coughing fits) and I feel like something heavy is sitting on my chest. All tests come back negative, but this is scary because it's hard to breath and I'm losing a lot of sleep due to the coughing. Is it "long covid". I've never been sick this long.

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Angela. Research Bryan Ardis' stance on your "long Covid". He has a book out called "Moving Beyond Covid" that will give you relief.

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I did find the book on Amazon. I ordered it! Thank you so much. I remember him from a while back. I like him. I watch the video The Antidote. Its riveting and he mentions to cure covid to chew Nicorette Gum which cured his wife who was deaf from Long Covid for 2 years. My husband is bringing home some Nicorette gum this evening. I will report back! THANK YOU!

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Thank you so much Justin. I will research now. I found people like you from @Margaret Anna Alice. This am I coughed for hours and hours. I am on day 2 of MMS and am taking Ivermectin 2x per day. I.am.so.tired. Grateful for any help in getting rid of this devil inside me.

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Thank you! I hope any organization that mandates Covid vaccination is civilly prosecuted and must pay damages to those who got sick after vaccination, especially those who filed a VAERS report.

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“All the same set of hamster wheels”… this is what I’ve been feeling for sometime. Not much talk about “murder”… call it what it was/is… and no one making progress in bringing truth to light, even after 5 years. Wasting everybody’s time reading articles and watching videos. I’m glad I never donated $$ to CHD or Highwire(they have enough donors already anyways… always meet their donation goals). While I appreciate these organizations helping us understand harms of injections… what is taking so damn long to stop all shots!

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not closed captions, thus Access Denied

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So long term effects are from repeated covid infections, and not repeated vaccinations and boosters?

Either way, please provide sources.

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This may be right. Time will tell.

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I had my last flu shot about 2005. Not only did my entire arm get red and swollen, I got the worst case of flu I'd ever had with a fever of 103 and was laying in bed for days. I've never had one since and of course didn't get the death clot shot that is for sure.

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no-one ever got covid...it was a giant psy op...biggest crime ever committed against humanity. watch. CHARLES KOVESS. https://rumble.com/v642szv-dr-j.jay-couey.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

CHARLES KOVESS. https://rumble.com/c/c-1504535

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Wow. I am just at mark 12 min and Dr J.Jay Couey is playing the game Divide and Conquer. Everybody is bad except him and Charles Kovess saying many times Shut Up and your are stupid to ask this question at mark 1:41:00 min.

Toxic video.

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But the CDC insisted it is just a horse dewormer and I am not a horse. I guess that means they are just a bunch of horses @$$’s. Actually a bunch of corrupt criminals with the blood of millions on their hands.

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You Are Objective- so necessary & appreciated. Thank you for your truth, passion, integrity, & mission of “do no harm”. I have several I knew who have now passed on because the opposite of advocacy occurred. Godspeed.

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What got immediately approved quickly in the scamdemic was ventilators and Remdesivir which deliberately was a method designed to harm and KILL.

What got quickly forbidden was every drug that worked to cure, as Ivermectin ,Hydrocychloroquine and monoclonal antibodies.

The ONLY logical conclusion (not even considering a mountain of other supporting evidence, is that this SARS CoV 2 scandemic was a premeditated plan of GENOCIDE, designed to kill millions if not billions by another deliberate fully toxic poison in the mRNA lipid nanoparticle jab.

It used TWO brand new medical systems each both previously know to do severe harm, and kill.

Don't get me dtsrted. Thebastards billionaires and their corrupt pawn politicians DO NOT DESERVE to live on this planet!

Moreover their plan was a wealth transfer upwards to the already UBER rich and enslave mere humans into a totalitarian regime .

Expose these satanic people and put them on TRIAL.


It's beyond genocide, torture and TRRASON.

Hang them high (one of the common quotes of freedom fighter Dr. Paul Alexander)

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thank you...a credible response.

CHARLES KOVESS. https://rumble.com/v642szv-dr-j.jay-couey.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

CHARLES KOVESS. https://rumble.com/c/c-1504535

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I sourced IVM tablets from a few sources in India during 2021. I think it's all mostly expired by the label, but I was wondering what its shelf stability is in reality. I know for some drugs it really matters and others less so.

Also, is there reason to think it would be effective in general as an anti-viral against other flus and colds? Although, I've hardly had even mild illness since I started supplementing with D-3 and got my level up to ~60. Thanks "health system" for never talking about that.

Appreciate the work you are doing

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Yes, FLCCC recommends ivermectin as part of it’s RSV/ flu protocol. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/I-CARE-RSV-and-Flu-Summary.pdf

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Virex.Health - yes I'm is effective for respiratory/flu issues & so many others. There r several good books on its uses (see also Chlorine Dioxide & dmso/MSM)

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I use ivermectin anytime I'm around the V'd & if feeling symptomatic - also cured lung cancer (wish I had known abt it b4 my kidney was xtracted). Virex.Health

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Yes, I say to everyone I meet since 2021 that people suffered and died because effective treatment was suppressed and harmful treatment promoted. It is the biggest crime in history.

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The latest book edited by Dr. Paul Marik on ivermectin and published in Japan is now available worldwide from a US based distributor. It includes a chapter by the late Dr. Jackie Stone, which is of course phenomenal, but even more impressive and detailed was the one contributed by Dr. EV Rapiti from South Africa. It is the best book to put in the hands of politicians, in my opinion. Stats and acdemic speak will go over their heads, but the stories of the experiences and observations of the contributing physicians is something that anyone [that is not a dimwitted idiot] can follow and understand. The link is ivermectinbook dot com.

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When exactly did the Aussies completely lose their minds?

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I am all for using Ivermectin, but it can make your vision really blurry as a big side effect I don’t see listed here. Important side effect that should be noted!

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Please look up the Herxheimer Reaction

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I've experienced that as well, but only briefly. Always resolves in an hour or so.

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Not sure if it was in the links, but this safety review was very extensive in its time: https://www.energymedicine.org.tw/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Clinical_Safety_of_Ivermectin-March_2021.pdf

“…adverse events are unequivocally extremely rare.”

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Thanks for starting the ball rolling on a useful discussion of this drug. I notice your statement "does not cross the blood brain barrier" has not addressed one of the key problems pointed out by ivermectin-is-toxic proponents: the p-glycoprotein and its role in pumping drugs like ivermectin back out of the blood brain barrier epithelium. There are both mutations of the p-glycoprotein gene and p-glycoprotein inhibitors (such as the commonly advised quercetin) which may need us to re-examine that black&white statement with caution.

I look forward to a frank discussion of all the points raised by Tim Truth and Agent131711 so that we can base our conclusions on the research findings rather than a list of statements. There are also reports in Lancet of nursing home deaths after scabies treatments in 1997 which need addressing. And animal studies and case reports. Case not closed yet.

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Thank you for mentioning my studies.

Héctor Carvallo PhD

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Thank you, a nice round up of all the benefits of ivermectin.

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