I’m so glad you mention what HHS could do to keep doctors INDEPENDENT from BigMed™ which ruins everything. Doing this one little thing would amount to huge changes in medial culture and i believe, would allow MDs to get back to caring for pts instead of caring about umbrella companies.

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And would that be the same MDs that wouldn't treat you unless you got the clot shots? The same ones that knowngly killed 90% of helpless rest home residents? Or the same MDs that killed tens of thousands with Remdesivir, ventilators, and euthanasia drugs?? If you want justice, go after them. It couldn't have been so successful without their murderous compliance. Trump and "Warp Speed"??

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Perhaps this would require the repeal of Obamacare.

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Repeal doesn't go far enough. But that said, is a repeal even being mentioned by the old is new again administration? Fact is too many American citizens have developed a really bad habit for federal governement benefits. Come this Spring, I'll know with more certainty, if our nation is serious about going cold turkey and what recovery really involves.

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Even if he is confirmed does he have the backbone to stick it to big pharma? I doubt it. First, he has had access to all of the data for many years. He clearly knows the dangers of vaccines. He has dtated even his children have allergies, etc., (vax injuries.) Yet he doesn't plan on "taking away anyones vaccines." He just wants them to be safer and test them more?! Who's baby's does he suggest we test them more on? Also, EVEN if he was fully on board with getting rid of them, Trump didn't even wait four days to boast about sinking 1/2 trillion dollars into MORE mrna. Because NOW they're going to cure (prevent) cancer 😉. So they're going to give us more of what's been creating, and accelerating the cancer the last 4 years? And at only 500,000 per shot! They already know how to cure cancer. This is proven by every Dr. that talked about it and submitted their data to congress, only to be harrassed and locked up for about anything they could think of. Dr. Gerson, Burzynski, etc. The US spendsmore on health care only to be the fattest and unhealthiest, but don't worry, we're going to ban red dye#3.

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Yup, the red dye ban is a classic FDA limited hangout. "See, we're on your side, we're a watchdog" . . . as they watch Oreos and Doritos continue to fly off the shelves.

Similar to when they pulled the EUA out from under J&J's Covid jab - due to blood clots - and then sat back and yawned as blood clots and cardiac arrests in 20-something athletes became normalized. And the sheep bleated "Look, FDA pulled J&J but not Pfizer and Moderna so those two must be really safe".

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Exactly. And btw, what about all of the other artificial colors? How about PEG's?

Here's another thing about Rfk, which for me is the real kicker for why he won't do anything. Big harma is the most deadly cartel there is, and no family has more experience with "untimely deaths" than the kennedys.

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Wait, are you saying those aren’t natural colors in my Gatorade? 🤣🤣🤣

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Lol, could be radioactive?!

I haven't had a coke, gatorade, etc in 20 years. I'm working towards nothing from a can, box, bag, very daunting.

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You forgot to mention blatant, on your face, conflict of interest!

Both the Kennedy families and Trump families have huge investments in oil, big pharma and big tech. That alone screams for oversight!

"...for even Satan transforms himself into an angel of light"! The deception is incredible!

"When they say 'peace, and safety, then the end comes as suddenly'"!

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mRNA technology in metastatic oncology patients, who have already tried all SOC could offer and want to go for the genetic manipulation of cancer, as their last resort vs. mRNA in healthy people, it is not the same!

Please know what you are talking about, because there are so many people who talk nonsense and it damages the real issue here which is Using mRNA (gene therapy) in healthy people is UNACCEPTABLE!

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Mrna is unacceptable, manipulating genes is never going to help the body fight disease. ANYTHING altering the normal function of the body is toxic and counter productive to good health. People are curing cancer with simple things like baking soda, and borax so these things are not needed. The can already cure most cancers, they've admitted this, so the half million dollar anto-cancer shots are another one of baphomets ruses. But feel free to allow big oharma to alter the normal function of your body.

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@Steveo, please. You don't know what you are talking about. Your's is not a valid discussion Who are "they?":-), and what exactly "they've admitted?" :-) Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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I know very well what Im talking about.. Many people, including bill gates have stated this openly. It's well proven mrna causes cancer, but all of a sudden it's going to cure it? Surrre. It never ceases to amaze me how people think eugenecists are interested in curing disease. Ever heard of dr. Gerson? Curing cancer decades ago. All of his info was buried in the library of congress. Dr. Bryzynski, Dr..Sircus, and these dr.s are harrassed and threatened. You need a deeper dig on rockefellers allopathic system of medicine, which is why the american medical association medicine uses a demonic logo. Our government creates disease to trick people with a more dangerous cure, over and over and over. Wants some proof, look up swine flu CA2471523 A1, zika ATTC VR-84. There's more...

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I really hope he gets in. I know he is very smart. I have been watching,listening, and learning from him for a long time. He knows his stuff. We need to make America healthy again. I agree, maybe it will help doctors get back to caring about patients rather than having to implement what their bosses tell them to do. I see today. Doctors don't even have there own office or time to see their patients. They are overworked, just like nurses, PT, RT and OT. Everything has changed in HealthCare System. They push vaccines, and push medications on you. It really makes you wonder whether or not to go into see your doctor. It is not the way it used to be 5-10 years ago.

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HHS needs to be discontinued. Same for the NIH and CDC. If individual states want to pool resources and collaborate, that's fine, but to have agencies like this operating at the Federal level has been an absolute disaster.

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I'd like to see RFKJr clean house personnel wise. One of my top candidates for "staff reduction" is Stephanie Psaki. Yes, that would be Jen's sister. You know, the "doctor" in this article in The Daily Fishwrap..https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14329763/doctor-claim-trump-opened-door-worlds-deadliest-infections.html. This is her HHS profilehttps://www.hhs.gov/about/agencies/oga/about-oga/who-we-are/leadership/stephanie-psaki/index.html I'm quite sure HHS is chock full of these ideologues. Time to Clean House, Mr. Secretary!

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I'm distressed that this is the first nomination that appears to be in danger of losing. This one should be a winner for all Americans.

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Be very careful what you vote for. We always get far more than we bargained for. He already has most of the powers of a dictator.

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LOL I guess you must have been snoozing during the previous 4 years.

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Thank you Mary for continuing to "fight the fight," for sharing this piece, and for your podcast which I listened to in it's entirety. Lots of great stuff. Just a couple loving thoughts. Listening to the podcast I grew growingly afraid that there would be no mention of ending Pharma's DTC advertising. In the third segment (unless I missed it earlier and I don't believe I did) it received a passing mention. I know this wasn't an "in order of importance" piece. Just saying. :) Seeing prime-time TV ads for this or that Pharma product that "solves" this or that ailment that ALMOST NOBODY HAS, I'm reminded that this is literally LEGAL HUSH MONEY. I for one think it belongs near the top of any "to-do" list, and I believe it will have a wonderful curative side-effect on some of what ails the networks. The other lightly mentioned issue that I believe of great importance is the badly needed "cleaning up of the journals" - another part of Pharma's syndicate. Dr. Kory has shown a great light on this and I know it's important to you too Wishing you success in your continued battles and justice for us all. <3

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I share your hopes!!

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THANK You Dr. Bowden. The only missing HUGE piece of the truth is that the entire mod mRNA platform represents GENE THERAPIES, and that's where the 'law', the 'healthcare', the entire 'education system' committed the biggest fraud in human history. That misinformation of uneducated people to become genetically modified via synthetic non-human FORCED covid injections, only to get their life going, is just beyond what human brain can ever imagine.

They know it and hat's why pardoning fAuCI...

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Yes, this is the day we have been waiting for a long time! Thank you for all of your efforts to help our health and the healthcare system!

Thank you for your strong support of RFK, Jr for HHS Secretary! Time for overhaul!

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For what it's worth, here are some comments, issues, and changes I would

like to see:

1. The FDA, CDC, HHS, NIH, big pharma, healthcare administrators, and

insurance companies are destroying Doctor-Patient relationships.

2. Administrators, Medical boards, and others abuse their power to

coerce, intimidate, punish, and remove whoever does not agree with them.

3. Big Pharma should never fund or contribute to FDA, CDC, or any

groups or individuals responsible for recommending or prescribing their


4. Big Pharma should not have any immunity from liability or any

special immunity

5. mRNA technology should not be used outside of very limited, fully

informed, long term clinical trials. Their impact is not well known or

properly acknowledged.

6. PCR exponentially amplified testing can (mis)use enough cycles to

positively detect COVID or anything else as explained by Kary Mullis.

7. Why did the flu disappear as COVID flourished?

8. Vaccines or other medications should never be mandatory, especially

experimental vaccines.

9. Ivermectin and other safe options were withheld from the public and

to this day are difficult to get and unnecessarily expensive. It appears

that inexpensive and effective drugs are made difficult to get.

10. The mistakes during COVID, including abuses of power, intimidation,

firing, injuries, and deaths have never been fully acknowledged to this day.

As a result, flawed decisions, policies, procedures, practices, and the

leadership that abused them remain in place.

In my opinion the entire medical industry needs to be restructured. There

needs to be clear, enforced, and audited rules on conflicts of interest,

abuses of power, and intimidation. The doctor-patient relationship must be

restored and must be the primary focal point for decisions on care.

Insurance companies, Big Pharma, and administrators do not practice

medicine. The three letter agencies should make recommendations only.

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This would be a game changer for all of us . . . "HHS can encourage more doctors to open independent practices by offering interest-free loans and providing free continuing education for doctors interested in learning how to open their practices."

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I believe mass sterilization, and declining live birth rates, is the intention of those promoting the C19 injections on our youth and pregnant women.

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