God Bless this brave man. I lost my job as a pharmacist as well. Glad I quit! I have my integrity and a new job with none of these criminal mandates.

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Thank you Lucy for your sacrifice. Truly. best from Oregon

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It was hard I am sure, but don't you feel-------cleaner. Thank you from the bottom of our heart. Wish/hope more would.

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I will tell him you said that :) He will appreciate it so much. And thank you fo ryour sacrifice. I hope you have found a job that appreciates your integrity! We can always use another advocate in our community like you! Please join if you like and we want to offer our advocates the support they need too. :) www.facebook.com/groups/3217567388501402

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Hospital holocaust

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Absolutely! Have you seen www.chbmp.org? I am the National Vaccine Injury Director for them by way of www.formerfedsgroup.org. The stories are so heartbreaking.

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You know you have you have discovered the truth when very big and powerful forces go after you. That's enormous firepower reserved for one PA speaking out. Hoping that censorship will be lifted starting January 20th, but most believers in the narrative are already too deeply committed.

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They came after him in ways you could not imagine. He is a good friend. And if he had not moved out of Washington, they probably would have killed him.

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and those that demonized Scott are still in charge. But that's the state of WA.

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No that's Amerika. All the world really. It isn't stopping.

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We are fighting to stop it. www.formerfedsgroup.org :)

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True. In many many different ways. They took his license and allowed medical professionals that abused patients or sexually abused patients to keep theirs. Tells you that evil is a foot in many places.

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This is just crazy. At this point I'm calling the entire mainstream medical industrial complex a homicidal parasite on society--killing people for money.

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They made so much money on killing people in the hospitals. And depopulated by 8%. Gates said he wanted to depopulate the world by 10%. I think he is almost there.

If you are not familiar with www.formerfedsgroup.org or www.chbmp.org, take a look at our foundation.

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Exactly! All of them need to be held accountable in the worst way.

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I remember Scott Miller from one of the earlier interviews with some of his very grateful patients. One of them said Scott spent hours on the phone with her at the time of her needs. Scott unfortunately was financially very hurt by caring for his patients.

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Got the book!

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It is amazing and hard to put down!

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Scott is one of my best friends in the world now. He is such an amazing and selfless individual that not only saved thousands of lives but gave such sacrifice that the powers that be hunted him down and tried to silence him in so many ways. He has been there anytime I needed him and for our vaccine injured community. I talked to him yesterday and he always seems to make me laugh and forget about my problems when I need it. There is NO ONE like him and I so proud to know him and call him a close friend.

His book is most definitely a must read! https://amzn.to/40sGvWu

Please everyone support him and his family by purchasing this insightful and mesmerizing biography. I bought the book and the kindle book so I could listen slowly to it and absorb it in. I have laughed and cried so much through it. I know so many of the stories and what he and his family went through. I was there for part of it.

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The problem was that fear travels faster than logic. It is literally how our nervous system functions. It is a survival mechanism. Unfortunately our brains have been hacked. When visual images of bodies accumulating outside of hospitals in storage containers or mass graves in Italy get publicized, people reflexively react. Does one pause and analyze, potentially risking death, or default to what the “experts” recommend? If one is ignorant wrt science, it is logical to follow the “experts.” But what happens if the experts are co-opted or some experts are preferentially promoted vs others? What happens when financial and political decisions subvert the voices of those not co-opted? We’re entering into a dangerous future. Confusion and doubt as to who to trust, who are the “experts” is so throughly dispersed throughout society that when the next pandemic emerges, people will be paralyzed with indecision and fear….and do nothing.

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So people were really getting sick in some places huh? What was strange is that I’m only 4 hour drive from NYC and we had no issues until a pandemic was declared, and not even much illness at all…until the shots started. And this is not a healthy population in my county, just really republican.

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I welcome him to East Texas!! I’d love to be able to shake his hand and thank him someday!

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