Thanks so much for continuing to fight for our health freedom. If you’re able, please don’t settle with them, or if you do, don’t let them include the clause where you can’t discuss it. They must take responsibility for their actions!

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I remember most of this. The timeline helps a lot. A true warrior who I always want on my side. Very proud of you and most honored to call you my doctor.

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Dr. Bowden you are a huge reason we are able to have hope for the future. God bless you dear doctor!

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Mary, thank you for your bravery and perseverance through this long journey. Prayer's are with you and all involved. 🙏

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Thank you 🙏 for fighting back and holding these officials accountable! Very few physicians did that and those who did paid a very heavy price.

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praying for your success. Keep the faith and do not relent. Truth will prevail.

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I hope to see a successful outcome with the Texas Medical Board. Most of everything else comes across as good news.

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I am so THANKFUL that you "stood your ground" this entire time Dr. Mary ! Not many Doctors did as they were pressured by the Feds or by their Employer or BOTH ! I worked for (bleep) as a Security Officer at a large Hospital. I gave my Employer & the Hospital two Medical Doctor's Exemption letters for the Covid Jab & the Flu. My Employer was ok with it but the Hospital tried to BULLY, HARASS & INTIMIDATE me into getting the Jab.

I asked the Nurse who was pressuring me what's the difference of me Committing Suicide with the Jab or a Weapon, as they BOTH would kill me. I tried to get an answer from her but she wouldn't. This is how DESPERATE the Feds were to get everyone jabbed. This angered the Hospital & word made it back to my Employer & I was set-up to fail. I was almost crushed to death one day by a faulty elevator. I had to have Surgery & died when I came out of Surgery months later. I'm blessed to be ALIVE today.

I said all of this to say:

Your courage to remain strong & refusal to compromise or submit to their ILLEGAL Edicts, gave me the courage to remain strong & refuse to compromise or submit to their ILLEGAL Edicts. Thank you Dr. Mary ! As Retaliation, the Worker's Comp. Insurance company has now refused to pay what a person normally gets for the type of injury & surgery that I had. They want to give me penny's instead of dollars. I will CONTINUE to pray for you & thank you for your prayers for me !

Can you lawyer at your Hearing next week, ask about the Nuremberg Code & how the Feds VIOLATED it repeatedly during Covid ? Can you REFUSE to sign a Confidentiality Agreement with the Texas Medical Board ? FACT: Your success rate with IVM far supersedes the Hospital using Remdesivir !

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Truth will prevail!

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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God bless you, Mary, and thank you for all that you do!! We greatly appreciate your leadership!! 🙏

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Keep fighting!

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You are a beacon of strength and hope for the rest of us. Thank you.

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You are THE model woman that every female should strive to be! Thank you for your courage to stand by the principles you believe in. I applaud and admire you! You go girl!

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Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs. You are a hero, don’t let the bastards get you down.

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